Site Updates

A Quick Tip About The Events System

Hello all,

Recently the events system was updated, bringing a change that is not entirely obvious. On some events, you may not see the option to RSVP for UNIV-101 credit. If this is the case, it means that all UNIV-101 RSVPs for the event/meeting are full. Please try another meeting.

Also, we are aware that RSVPing for an event and loading the site in general have been slow lately. We are currently looking into the issue. If you cannot get your RSVP to submit at all, please contact a TechServ Officer and we can force an RSVP for you in the system.

If you run into any problems with the system in general, please let us know.

Site Updates

For All UNIV-101 Students

Recently, we discovered the RSVP system, in particular for UNIV-101 bookings, was being abused with a single person booking more than one “ticket”. You may not, under any circumstances, RSVP more than once for a meeting, nor may you RSVP on someone’s behalf. We have now edited the system again so that UNIV-101 RSVPs should now cap out at 1 per person. General members, your “ticket” has not been changed. However, in order to clear out the abuse, we have been forced to once again reset all bookings. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, but you must once again redo all bookings you have made for meetings.

In the future, if we discover further abuse of the system, it will be grounds for termination of your membership for repeat offenders.

Site Updates Weekly Meetings

New RSVP System Is Now Live

Thank you for your patience while we gave our event RSVP system a much needed upgrade. It should be less broken now. However, as this is a new system, please be aware that the method to RSVP has changed. Our newly upgraded system uses “tickets” to record RSVPs to events. Two options are now listed. Please read the descriptions carefully to ensure you select the proper ticket.

All University 101 Students: In order to receive credit, you must select the option labeled UNI101 RSVP prior to the night’s meeting. RSVP will automatically close at 6pm.

All other TechServ members: As always, if you are a general TechServ member, you do not need to RSVP for meetings. However, there is now an option to do so. Again, while not required, you are more than welcome to RSVP so we can get a head count for each meeting.

If you had RSVP’d for a meeting after 2/21/12, you need to Re-RSVP as we have lost all useful records of RSVPs. 

Some revised instructions have been posted on our UNIV-101 page.

If you have any issues using the new system, please let an Officer know so we can address it.

Events Site Updates Weekly Meetings

TechServ Announcements, Updates, Events and more – LAN Party

First off, this update is going to be fairly lengthy but is an important one so please read all of it.

Attention all UNIV-101 students: need to fill more hours? We have a few new opportunities for you to do so.

1) This Friday, May 20, TechServ will be holding a special UNIV-101 extra-hours meeting. Please sign-up for the meeting on our events page to reserve a spot. You will not get UNIV-101 credit if you are not on the list, do not check-in upon arrival, and do not show up in the first place. This meeting is still limited to four students only. The meeting will be from 3-5pm in the TechServ Room (MacAlist 0020, basement of building).

2) In addition, we will be having two mini-donation pick ups on Thursday, May 19 from 2-4pm. This pickup will take about 1-2 hours and is open to two UNIV-101 students only (will count for 2 hours). Please sign-up on the events page.  Additional extra-hours meetings may become available later in the week or next week, so please stay tuned to our site, Facebook, Twitter, mailing list, and events page.

LAN Party

TechServ will be co-hosting a LAN party with DragonLAN this week on Saturday, May 21st from 8pm until 2am (doors open at 7PM for personal setup). This event is sponsored by the Office of Campus Activities, Student Life, and the Late Night & Weekend Program (LNWP) Grant. This event is open to Drexel University students ONLY and requires RSVP on our events page. Please see the events page for further details and to RSVP. The night will feature Team Fortress 2 and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. No computers nor game licenses will be provided by TechServ nor DragonLAN.

As always, for the latest TechServ events and meeting times, please see our events page.


~ The TechServ Team

Site Updates

The TechServ Constitution is Now Online

Individuals wishing to read our constitution as of Monday, April 18, 2011 may now do so. A .pdf version is publicly available on our About Us page. Before this announcement, a separate page for the constitution was added listing it in text form. However, due to formatting issues, we have had to pull the page. We apologize for any inconvenience.