Announcements Weekly Meetings

Spring Term Meeting Times

Hi Everyone, I hope that you all enjoyed your spring breaks!

This quarter, we’ll be meeting at 7:00-9:00 PM on Mondays and 6:00-8:00 PM on Thursdays. Based on responses to the poll that was sent out, these are the times which work best for most people. We’ll be in our office in MacAllister 3014.

Hope to see you there!

Announcements Weekly Meetings

Winter Term Meeting Times

Hi Everyone, I hope that you all had fabulous winter breaks!

Sadly, Winter break is drawing to a close, but we at TechServ are looking forward to seeing everyone again! This quarter, we’ll be meeting from 7:00-9:00 PM on Mondays and Thursdays. Based on responses to the poll I sent out earlier, these are the times which work for most people. Meetings will start tomorrow, Monday, January 4th, 2016.

Our New Years resolutions this year are to better serve the community, to get more donations out to community centers, and to continue to be a welcoming and fun group of people with the common goal of helping others.

Here’s to an exciting new year,
Brian Bijeau
President, Drexel TechServ

Announcements Weekly Meetings

Special Meeting 3 Feburary

Howdy everyone,

We will not be having a regular meeting on Tuesday this week, but we will still be meeting. We’ll be reviewing elections for positions that will be opening as officers graduate. This meeting will be at our regular meeting time, but will be on the second floor of Ross Commons.

If you are interested in running for a position or learning about the election process, please attend.

Announcements Events Weekly Meetings

Join Us Tomorrow For Going National

Howdy folks!

We will not be having a meeting tomorrow (20 Nov 2014) as we are having an event for Computer Science Education Week instead.

Please join us at 7:30pm on the 2nd floor of Ross Commons (34th and Powelton) for a screening of “Going National,” a documentary of the arrival of the microcomputer (primarily the Macintosh) at Drexel in the 1980’s. This event is free and open to the public. We will have popcorn for you to enjoy as well as classic Macintosh systems to try (please don’t mix the two together.)

This event is a part of Computer Science Education Week at Drexel and was made possible with the support of the College of Computing and Informatics and the Drexel University Archives.

Please RSVP if you plan to attend.

Weekly Meetings

Welcome [Back] To TechServ!


Stephen here, your Vice President of TechServ. For those of you new to Drexel and/or TechServ, welcome! To our returning members, welcome back. In case you haven’t heard of us or bumped in to us on campus yet, allow me to introduce ourselves.

TechServ is a student organization here at Drexel and our mission is to help bridge the digital divide in Philadelphia (and in a couple cases, beyond!) We work to achieve this mission by holding events on campus at Drexel as well as the Philadelphia area. In addition, we also donate computers to nonprofits in Philadelphia that we have refurbished.

Membership is open to everyone at Drexel and you don’t need any technical background to join. If you join us, we’ll show and teach you everything you need to know. In previous years, we offered what was known as UNIV-101 hours. Permitting I’m keeping up with my Drexel news correctly, I believe UNIV-101 is a bit different this year and community service hours are no longer a requirement. Historically, many of our long-term members served with us before becoming long-term members. The changes this year means we’ll be changing a bit too.

As our long-term members already know very well, our workshop is, shall we say, “cozy.” We’re in the basement of MacAlister Hall in room 0020 and space for us comes at a premium with all the computers we have lined up for refurbishment and donation. As a result, we would cap UNIV-101 attendance at four students per meeting. As we don’t have UNIV-101 students this year, we do not have attendance caps on meetings.

However, because we are very limited on space, if you are a new student or simply new to TechServ, please let us know if you’re coming to a meeting so we can get a headcount. Our meetings this term are Tuesdays and Thursdays 6 – 8 pm. If you can make it, great! We look forward to seeing you! Please let us know when you’ll be coming by RSVPing through TicketLeap. If you don’t see the date you plan on coming, don’t panic. We’ll be adding more dates soon. Meetings start this week, which means our first meeting of the year is 23 September, this Tuesday.

We look forward to meeting you!