With his performance at the Holly Heisman Memorial Tournament, William has earned the 4th Category title! Great job!
Also at the Holly Heisman Tournament, Zhouhai picked up a Level 2 norm, making him one performance of Level 3 or higher away from the 3rd Category title! Let’s see if we can get that before the end of 2014!
Members of the club had a great showing at the Holly Heisman Memorial Tournament at the JCC Kaiserman, which was held to help women in need!
In the U1500 section, Will swept his games to finish in clear first with a perfect 5/5! Josh, after taking a half-point bye in the first round, won each of his four following games to finish in clear second with a 4.5/5.
In the Open section, Zhou finished 3/5, with all of his wins coming against higher-rated players, and was the highest-placed U1600 player in the section!
All players won prizes, and it was a great day for a great cause!